Create Professional GPA/CGPA Calculator in HTML & CSS

GPA Calculator CODE:

<!DOCTYPE html> <!– For HTML 5 –>


<html lang=”en”>




<title>Calculate GPA</title>


<meta charset=”utf-8″/>


<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″


<!– Added style for the html content –>


<style type=”text/css”>


table {






border-spacing: 0 1em;




tr {




border-bottom: 1pt solid grey;






<!– JQuery CDN is referred to make the jquery to work on this page –>


<script src=””></script>


<!– customized jquery functions for actions –>


<script type=”text/javascript”>




//Global variables


var courseCount = 1;


var totalCredits = 0;


var totalGradePoints = 0;


//Reset form click event








//Calculate button click event




courseCount = 1;


totalCredits = 0;


totalGradePoints = 0;


//get row count in table


var rowCount = $(‘#tblCourse tr’).length -3;


//Run loop for each course


for(var i=0; i<rowCount; i++)




var eleNum = i+1;


//Get the credit hours and grade points from each row


var creditsHr = $(“#txtHours_”+ eleNum).val();


var grade = $(“#txtGrade_”+ eleNum).val();


var g = grade.toLowerCase();


//convert grade to grade points


var gradePoint = g === “a” ? 4 : g === “b+” ? 3.5 : g === “b” ? 3 : g === “c+” ? 2.5 : g === “c” ? 2 : g === “d+” ? 1.5 : g === “d” ? 1 : g === “f” ? 0 : g === “i” ? 2.3           : 0;


//store credit hours and grade point for each course


totalCredits += parseInt(creditsHr);


totalGradePoints += parseInt(gradePoint) * parseInt(creditsHr);




//Calculation of GPA starts here


var currentHours = $(“#txtCurrentHours”).val();


var currentGPA = $(“#txtCurrentGPA”).val();




currentHours = 0;




currentGPA = 0;


//Calculate Sem GPA


var semGPA = totalGradePoints/totalCredits;


var cumGPA = (semGPA+parseFloat(currentGPA))/2;


//Display semester GPA, total credits and cumulative GPA


$(“#lblTotalCredits”).text(parseInt(currentHours) + totalCredits);








//Add another row click event






if(courseCount <= 10)




//Row template


var row = “<tr>”+




“<td><input type=’text’ id=’txtCourse_”+courseCount+”‘/></td>”+


“<td><input type=’number’ id=’txtHours_”+courseCount+”‘/></td>”+


“<td><input type=’text’ id=’txtGrade_”+courseCount+”‘/></td>”+




//Add template row to table










alert(“Only ten courses are allowed to add!”);




return false;












<table id=”tblCourse”>




<td>Current GPA: </td>


<td><input type=”text” id=”txtCurrentGPA”/></td>


<td colspan=”2″>Write your current academic GPA in numbers. Example: 3.45</td>






<td>Current Hours: </td>


<td><input type=”text” id=”txtCurrentHours”/></td>


<td colspan=”2″>How many hours have you finished EXCLUDING this semester? Example: 44</td>








<td><u>Course Name (Optional)</u></td>


<td><u>Credit Hours</u></td>


<td><u>Expected Grade</u></td>








<td><input type=”text” id=”txtCourse_1″/></td>


<td><input type=”number” id=”txtHours_1″/></td>


<td><input type=”text” id=”txtGrade_1″/></td>






<a href=”#” id=”lnkAddRow”>+ ADD ANOTHER COURSE</a>








<td><button id=”btnCalc”>Calculate GPA</button></td>


<td><button id=”btnReset”>Reset Fields</button></td>














<td>Total credit of this semester</td>




<td><label id=”lblTotalCredits”></label></td>






<td>Semester GPA</td>




<td><label id=”lblSemGPA”></label></td>






<td>Cumulative GPA</td>




<td><label id=”lblCumGPA”></label></td>







