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Kinect Joy Ride [MULTI5][KINECT][Region Free] (Poster) - Xbox 360 Games Download - JOY RIDE


Kinect Joy Ride is a racing game for Xbox 360 and a launch title for its Kinect hardware in 2010. The game was developed by BigPark and published by Microsoft Game Studios.

Playing as a person’s Avatar, the game is controlled by the player holding their arms out as if they are grabbing an invisible steering wheel, and turning them in such a manner to steer. Pushing hips forward allows the player to drift, while pulling the ‘wheel’ towards the player and then pushing forward produces a chargeable turbo boost. While airborne, players can perform various tricks such as twists and spins for extra points. As players progress, they will earn fans, which unlock content, such as new tracks and game modes. Game modes include Races, Battles, Stunt, Trick modes and more. The game can be played with either two players locally or up to eight players online via Xbox Live (internet connection required for Xbox Live Multiplayer). Two free downloadable content packages are available which provide players with stylized versions of the Chevrolet CamaroCruzeCorvette and Volt.